Jesus House
Jesus House, an aftercare ministry of Jesus Inside Prison Ministry, is truly a place of restoration and preparation for ex-offenders who have turned to Christ and are being released from incarceration. Some 80% of all men who enter prison are released within four years; most having served time for nonviolent offenses. One of the great failures of our correctional system is the inability of the system to truly reform men so that they do not return to the same social condition and behaviors which led to crime in the first place.
This failure is reflected in the present 75% "rate of recidivism" which is the proportion of men that are rearrested and re-incarcerated, often for the same crimes. Offenders who confess Christ and are discipled have a recidivism rate of only 5%. After receiving Christ as Lord and Savior, the second most important factor for offenders who will soon be released is preparation to reenter society. This preparation is also called "aftercare". The main cause for recidivism is a lock of spiritual and social preparation of living "on the outside".
Jesus Inside Prison Ministry (JIPM), founded by Pastor William Bumphus, is dedicated both in turning people from crime to Christ and providing effective aftercare. For more than 34 years, Pastor Bumphus has traveled to prisons in and outside Indiana preaching the Word to tens of thousands of offenders. Over the years, a great number of men have been born again, released from prison, and are living productive lives.
In September of 1997, William Bumphus was featured in the cover story of Charisma magazine which has a large international circulation. In its September, 1998 issue Charisma carried an article about Jesus House In addition to ministering to prisoners and serving as director of Jesus House, William Bumphus is pastor of Faith Center Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Men who have confessed Christ while in prison can make application to enter the JIPM aftercare program based at the Jesus House. Those who are accepted:
Are discipled in the Word;
Are given responsibilities;
Have a street address;
Have a telephone number;
Have access to resources for finding employment; and
Receive counseling from the Jesus House ministry team.


How You Can Help
As you can see, God has done a great work through the faithfulness of pastors and individuals who recognize that leading offenders to Christ and helping them succeed when they reenter society benefits everyone.
You are invited to become a partner with Jesus Inside Prison Ministry and the Jesus House project. We believe that God would have us raise up many such places of restoration and preparation.
Your financial gifts will go directly into resources and programs to help men grow in Christ and find success in society.
We also accept gifts of quality equipment and furniture for the Jesus House. However, please contact JIPM before making equipment or furniture donations for scheduling and coordination purposes. All gifts are tax deductible through Jesus Inside Prison Ministry, a recognized IRS 501(c)3 organization.
On going expenses include:
Utilities (gas, electricity, telephone, water, & sewer;
Food and supplies;
Books, training materials, & other helpful resources; and
Funds for clothing, transportation, etc.